San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center - Oakland, California

Dirección: 1030 International Blvd, Oakland, CA 94606.
Teléfono: 02385400.
Página web:
Especialidades: Clínica ambulatoria, Centro de salud comunitario.
Otros datos de interés: Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitarios accesibles para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitario, Acepta pacientes nuevos, Se recomienda concertar cita, Ofrece atención gratuita o de bajo costo en circunstancias individuales.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 36 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 2.9/5.

Ubicación de San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center

San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center 1030 International Blvd, Oakland, CA 94606

Horario de San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center

  • Lunes: 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
  • Martes: 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
  • Miércoles: 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
  • Jueves: 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
  • Viernes: 8 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
  • Sábado: 8:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m., 1:15–5:15 p.m.
  • Domingo: Cerrado

El San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center es un centro de salud comunitario que ofrece atención médica de calidad a todos los miembros de la comunidad. Ubicado en el corazón de Oakland en la dirección 1030 International Blvd, Oakland, CA 94606, este centro de salud es fácilmente accesible en silla de ruedas, con estacionamiento y baños adaptados para personas con movilidad reducida.

El centro cuenta con una clínica ambulatoria que ofrece una amplia gama de servicios médicos, desde exámenes de rutina hasta atención especializada. Sus especialidades incluyen, entre otras, medicina interna, pediatría y obstetricia. Además, el centro ofrece atención gratuita o de bajo costo en circunstancias individuales, lo que lo convierte en una opción accesible y asequible para todos.

El personal del San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center está dedicado a brindar atención médica de alta calidad y compasiva a todos los pacientes. El centro acepta pacientes nuevos y recomienda concertar una cita para garantizar la atención oportuna y personalizada que mereces.

El centro ha recibido 36 valoraciones en Google My Business, con una opinión media de 2.9/5. Aunque la opinión media puede mejorar, muchos pacientes han elogiado la amabilidad y la competencia del personal, así como la accesibilidad y la conveniencia del centro.

Si estás buscando un centro de salud comunitario confiable y asequible en Oakland, el San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center es una excelente opción. Ofrecen una amplia gama de servicios médicos, un personal dedicado y compasivo, y una ubicación conveniente y accesible.

Opiniones de San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center

San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center - Oakland, California
Brenda Montes

Pésima atención en el acceso llegas puntual a tu cita y no te quieren dejar entrar por que los médicos aún no llegan. A pesar de que la instrucción dice que debes estar 15 min. antes y pretenden que esperes afuera aunque se trate de gente mayor.

Para laboratorio el encargado es sumamente negligente, ocasiona desacuerdos entre los paciente que han llegado a tiempo, obligándolos a esperar en la sala principal y creando desorden. Deben considerar que muchos pacientes llegan en ayunas para relizar exámenes y se debería de reducir los tiempos perdidos por impuntualidad del laboratorista.

San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center - Oakland, California
Bella Donis

Buen servicio buena calidad y amabilidad

San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center - Oakland, California
Donna Davis

Whoever called me was very rude and needs a wake call. It seems that almost every person at the front except for one person and some in the back are nice but the rest of them are rude, unprofessional and should not represent the medical field. Whoever I spoke to, was rude, disrespectful and hung up on me. People like her are a reason why people don’t go to doctor’s. Be professional.

San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center - Oakland, California
Samantha Hennessy

Don't go here unless you're forced to. Doctor kept insisting that I had an infection and wanted to prescribe me antibiotics before the test results even came back. Turns out they were negative, but she kept insisting. The test came back negative AGAIN, but she was convinced, and sent me home with antibiotics. The antibiotics made me extremely ill, and didn't resolve the medical issue that I was having, because I did not have the infection that they were prescribed for.

Flash forward a few months, I am pregnant, and my insurance requires me to obtain a referral from my primary care provider. Doctor told me that she had no idea how to write a referral or what kind of paperwork she would even need to send over. After 5 weeks of being on the phone with them for hours each week trying to get this referral sent over, they still haven't done anything. I will be well into my second trimester before I have my first appointment with an OB, and like any pregnant person, I have worries and concerns. But that doesn't matter because no one will see me without a referral, and the San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center won't send one.

Every time I have called, which has been multiple times per week these last 5 weeks attempting to get a referral, I am on hold for at least 30 minutes. The office staff is nice and helpful, and once you finally get through to them, they don't try to rush the phone call which is nice. Someone even ran out to my car once to bring me my daughters favorite doll that she had left inside after a visit.

Construction workers have been tearing up the sidewalk out front for almost a year, which I know is not the Health Center's fault, but it there is only street parking available, which is limited by the construction. And sometimes I have no choice but to take my 4 year old and my 1 year old with me to appointments, and we have to walk very far.

San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center - Oakland, California
Daniel Moreno

Not a really good service, long time waiting in the room, and staff answering the phones are the worst.
Thank you!

San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center - Oakland, California
Manny Wu

This clinic is extremely disrespectful and unhelpful. Every time we get connected with someone, we're immediately put on hold. We've had many poor experiences with this clinic in the past. We've had a call ended on us and were not called back. I went on a trip one time and had been told MULTIPLE times that they did not have the vaccines that I needed and were referred to another place, but the vaccine was extremely expensive there. Then later on, we were told that the clinic had ALL of the vaccines and medicines that I was looking for. I do not recommend anyone looking for help to go to this clinic. The women in the front desk are a no for me.

San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center - Oakland, California
Adilene Solis

I spoke to a lady yesterday around 10am she seemed uninterested about my serious health situation almost as if she doesn’t take her job very serious or the patients well needs. very disrespectful. doctors inside are too bold they lack the care that they should have for their patients. wont hear from me ever. I really wish i could give 0 stars. hopefully this place closes down soon.

San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center - Oakland, California
Xiao Lai

I have been going here for my annual check up ever since I was eight years old. Quality of service has gone down tremendously. The doctors and nurses here are still great! They get you the help you need. The only reason for the one star is the front office staffs. A majority of them are rude and unprofessional. I’m sure they are tired of dealing with non-English speakers all day, which explains why they are rude most of the time. This is unacceptable because it’s a clinic where people come for check ups and health related problems. People also shouldn’t be held on the phone for 30min - 2hr wait just to make an appointment. I know this from my parents experience and my personal experience.
