Annandale Healthcare Center - Annandale, Virginia

Dirección: 6700 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003.
Teléfono: 032567000.
Página web:
Especialidades: Residencia geriátrica, Centro de rehabilitación.
Otros datos de interés: Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 62 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 2.7/5.

Ubicación de Annandale Healthcare Center

Annandale Healthcare Center 6700 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003

Horario de Annandale Healthcare Center

  • Lunes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Martes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Miércoles: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Jueves: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Viernes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Sábado: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Domingo: Abierto las 24 horas

El Annandale Healthcare Center se encuentra ubicado en la dirección 6700 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003. Este centro de salud se especializa en residencia geriátrica y centro de rehabilitación, ofreciendo servicios de alta calidad para la comunidad de Annandale, Virginia.

El centro cuenta con entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, lo que facilita el acceso a todos los pacientes y visitantes. Además, ofrece estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, lo que hace más cómoda la visita al centro de salud.

El Annandale Healthcare Center ha recibido un total de 62 opiniones en Google My Business, con una opinión media de 2.7/5. Es importante considerar las opiniones de otros pacientes y visitantes al evaluar la calidad de los servicios de un centro de salud.

El centro cuenta con una página web donde se pueden encontrar más detalles sobre los servicios que ofrecen, así como información sobre los profesionales de la salud que trabajan en el centro. La página web es una herramienta útil para aquellas personas que desean obtener más información sobre el Annandale Healthcare Center.

La residencia geriátrica del centro ofrece atención especializada para adultos mayores, con un enfoque en el cuidado de la salud física, mental y emocional de los residentes. El personal del centro trabaja para crear un ambiente cálido y acogedor que haga que los residentes se sientan como en casa.

El centro de rehabilitación del Annandale Healthcare Center ofrece una variedad de servicios de rehabilitación, incluyendo fisioterapia, terapia ocupacional y terapia del lenguaje. El centro cuenta con equipos de última tecnología y un personal altamente capacitado para ayudar a los pacientes a recuperarse de lesiones o enfermedades y restaurar su nivel de funcionamiento.

Opiniones de Annandale Healthcare Center

Annandale Healthcare Center - Annandale, Virginia
Glenn Kiser

When I applied for Long Term Medicaid care for my mother the medical team from Fairfax County Adult Services came out to evaluate my mother. The Medical team assessed my mother and approved her for the care, but she still needed to be approved for Long Term Care under the Medicaid Plan. The team at Fairfax told me while the process was being evaluated, I should start reaching out to Nursing homes to see if they had availability. The Case Worker at Fairfax sent me a list of all Nursing Homes in the area near me. Upon their recommendation I started calling some of the Homes near me. I called over ten (10) Nursing Homes leaving messages for all of their admission offices on voice mail and explain the situation my mother was in. I received only one (1) call back, I didn’t hear from any of the others. That one (1) call I received was a call back that same day and it was Jen in the Admissions office from Annandale Nursing Center on Columbia Pike in Annandale, VA. Jen was so nice and so understanding to my situation. She explained to me that once my mother was approved for LTC Medicaid Care that her Center would find a way to get my mother into their care. We set up a time for me to come in that week to talk and to check out the Center.
When I arrived, the staff was so nice and welcoming. I let them know that I was there to see Jen in Admissions. They told me to have a seat, and that Jen would be with me shortly. Jen meets me in the lobby, and we talk for a while as she answered my questions patiently. She then took me on a tour of the Nursing Center and as I was looking around all the staff, were busy taking care of patients and not standing around like some of the homes I’ve been in before. The Center was extremely clean and put together. It was a very nice place; I was impressed and I was thinking to myself, this is the place to take care of mother for end-of-life care. We spoke as we went along through the tour, I couldn’t help but notice how knowledgeable Jen and her staff were and how much they cared for the patients. I said to myself this is the place. I just had to wait for approval for LTC Medicaid.
Jen followed up with me the next day and said that she had a bed/room for my mother. She told me she would have it ready once my mother was approved. She sent me all the forms and paperwork to get things started. I went home and prayed that the Lord would allow my mother to be approved because Annandale Nursing home was the right place for my mother’s care. Not only was I impressed with the way the Center was Managed and run but it was only six (6) minutes from my home. It would be the perfect place for my mother’s care until she passes. I filled out all the forms and paperwork that Jen needed and dropped them off to her at the Center. Jen took her time to explain to me next steps and what I should expect. I was so thankful for her kindness and taking extra time to explain everything to me, I left feeling very good about where things were going.
About a week or so later I received a letter from the Medicaid office approving my mother for the LTC care. I called Jen and told her the good news and I could tell over the phone she was just as excited as me. My prayers were answered, thank you Lord.
My mother has been in their care going on three (3) months now. Every time I visit my mother, the staff is extremely nice and helpful, and my mother is always clean and looking good. I’m extremely thankful to Jen and her staff. I can now go about with putting my life back together knowing that my mother is being well taken care of at Annandale Nursing Center and their entire staff. I have a peace of mind that I haven’t had for some time.
Thank you, Annandale Nursing Center, and Thank you Jen truly from the bottom of my heart. I don’t know where I would be if you hadn’t called me back. You’re the best Jen!!!

Annandale Healthcare Center - Annandale, Virginia

DO NOT BRING YOUR LOVED ONE HERE! My mother in law is here and they have done nothing but neglect her. We came to see her and her hair was matted, she had not been bathed in days, her catheter bag has not been changed. Her urine is a thick consistency which is obviously not normal at all and she is not in the right of state of mind. My mother in law is very articulate and well spoken and after seeing her today she is the complete opposite and just in total disarray which is completely unlike her. We have called and complained in the past as she has called and said that they have not been helping her and we have been assured by management that she was getting the care she needed but clearly that was a lie. She is currently in the hospital getting treated due to an infection that could have easily been avoided if the nurses actually were doing there job and taking care of her. We will be getting her out of there immediately. It is very unfortunate as we live a few hours away and really trusted that they would take good care of her but clearly we were wrong. With this being said I repeat . . . DO NOT BRING YOUR LOVED ONE HERE!

Annandale Healthcare Center - Annandale, Virginia

Being the only VA approved facility nearby is sad. This place is absolutely filthy. The staff isn’t professional at all. My uncles wheel chair had bugs on it, the floor is covered in urine, feces on the bathroom wall, I can go on. This is how our country treats veterans? Terrible.

Annandale Healthcare Center - Annandale, Virginia
George Zackschewski

I am absolutely delighted to share my outstanding experience with the Annandale Healthcare Center, where my father resided for three weeks while I was away on a trip. From the moment we arrived, the staff, led by Jennifer and Natalie, exceeded our expectations by providing exceptional care and attention to my father's every need. The healthcare professionals at Annandale Healthcare Center were truly exceptional in their expertise, compassion, and dedication to their work.

The staff's unwavering attentiveness and empathy put me at ease, and I was grateful to know that my father was receiving the highest level of care while I was away. The team's commitment to providing exceptional care and hospitality is truly remarkable, and I feel fortunate that my father had the opportunity to experience it firsthand.

I would also like to extend a special thank you to Kalista C. from the Veterans Administration, who provided invaluable assistance in navigating the cost of my father's stay using his Veteran benefits. Her expertise and coordination with the Annandale Healthcare Center team made the process seamless and stress-free.

If you're searching for a healthcare facility that genuinely cares for its residents, look no further than Annandale Healthcare Center. I would highly recommend them to anyone seeking exceptional care and attention. Their dedication to their residents' well-being is unparalleled, and I feel privileged my father had the opportunity to experience it firsthand.

Annandale Healthcare Center - Annandale, Virginia
Frances Mitchem-Diago

My stepfather stayed here recovering after several months in the hospital & he was getting better & doctors told us would be able to come home very soon but one night someone told us he hit his head while sleeping & we had to take him back to the hospital where they found a hematoma on his brain & multiple bruises on his limbs. It was very suspicious & strange. He was never the same & never recovered & died a few months later & I firmly believe the neglectful care he received while at this place was to blame. Employees were always on their phones & laughing in groups when people rang their bells for help. & many of them were rude to my family & definitely to my poor stepfather. My mother & my whole family suffered so much during that period. Don’t take your loved ones there. I am crying as I write this.

Annandale Healthcare Center - Annandale, Virginia
R Mapson

My initial contact with Annandale Healthcare was with the Director of Admissions. She was pleasant, professional, and assured me that my husband‘s stay would be safe and satisfying. Members of the nursing team assisting my husband showed they had a desire to care, serve, and help. I feel that it’s a beautiful thing when one’s career and passion come together. I was very pleased with the service and recommend the facility.

Annandale Healthcare Center - Annandale, Virginia
Palma Jean Botterell

I couldn't be more pleased with the admissions process and care thus far. Jennifer Schock-Bolles, the Admissions Director, was extremely helpful and communicative in getting my Mom transferred there from a different facility. Her transparency, quick responses, patience, and empathy throughout that difficult process is something I haven't encountered elsewhere. The business office staff have been very helpful as well. The facility itself is very clean, orderly, and has friendly nursing staff.

Annandale Healthcare Center - Annandale, Virginia
Lupe Nimetullah

This facility should be closed down. My daughter was in there for one night. A heart transplant patient who was not given any of her medicine, no vital was taken. The place had an odor of pee & poop. My daughter saw a man walking around with his
Private part out. One of the ladies TV was so loud, on all night long. My daughter slept in her close because of the filt. One of her roommates needed help because she had pooped on herself and had to lay in it because no one cane to help her.
My daughter were neglected by staff, no oxygen that she needed, miss does of her mess a transplant patient, some of them were ruled. I will report this to the right person once I find out who. No one deserve to be neglected in any facility. Theses are God’s people, and they deserve better. If you you are understaffed, hire enough people to help take care of these disable men ;& women.
They deserve better, each of you will reap what you sow. I am glad my daughter called me to come get her. Without the proper care and not having her heart transplant medicine, only the Lord knows what could have happen. Me personal I would not recommend any human being to come to this terrible facility. My question to the entire staff, including the director, close your eyes and imagine your mom, father, or someone close to you that you care about, placed in this facility, Anannadale
Rehabilitation Center even for one day with a poor staff, some do not have any empathy ? for God's people in there. Horrible Horrible. I wish with all my heart
if I could put all these people in a better facility who care for the people and not be about money only. I do not know how this facility pass the State inspection.Remember: You are to be a good Stewart over what God has placed in your care. The patients there belong to the Almighty. You all that are mistreating the patients placed under your care, will be dealt with by God. I pray that the relatives of the people get them out of this place quickly in the name of Jesus!!
Thank God I cared enough to go get my daughter out of your facility. I do not need you to reply or any apology because it's just a cover up. You alls rating is terrible. You who have the authority to do something about what's going on , do something now while you have a chance to do so. God is watching and sees it all. I KNOW WHAT MY DAUGHTER EXPERIENCE IN YOUR FACILITY. I SAW WITH MY OWN EYES, SIR, MA'M!! DO SOMETHING


