Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab - Orlando, Florida

Dirección: 6000 Lake Ellenor Dr, Orlando, FL 32809.
Teléfono: 4076801226.
Página web: therecoveryvillage.com.
Especialidades: Centro de rehabilitación, Programa de tratamiento del alcoholismo, Clínica psiquiátrica, Servicio de salud mental.
Otros datos de interés: Servicios en el lugar, Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Espacio accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitarios accesibles para personas en silla de ruedas, Sanitarios unisex, Amigable con LGBTQ+, Espacio seguro para personas transgénero, Estacionamiento en el lugar.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 580 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 4.1/5.

Ubicación de Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab 6000 Lake Ellenor Dr, Orlando, FL 32809

Horario de Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab

  • Lunes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Martes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Miércoles: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Jueves: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Viernes: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Sábado: Abierto las 24 horas
  • Domingo: Abierto las 24 horas

El Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab es un centro de rehabilitación especializado en el tratamiento del alcoholismo y la salud mental. Ubicado en 6000 Lake Ellenor Dr, Orlando, FL 32809, ofrece una variedad de servicios para ayudar a aquellos que luchan contra la adicción y los problemas de salud mental.

Este centro cuenta con una clínica psiquiátrica completa y un programa de tratamiento del alcoholismo. Además, ofrecen servicios de salud mental para abordar una amplia gama de problemas de salud mental, como la depresión, la ansiedad y el trastorno bipolar.

Una de las características más notables del Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab es que ofrecen servicios en el lugar. Esto significa que los pacientes pueden recibir atención y tratamiento sin tener que salir del centro. Además, el centro es accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, con estacionamiento y sanitarios especialmente diseñados para este fin.

El centro también es conocido por ser amigable con la comunidad LGBTQ+ y ofrecer un espacio seguro para personas transgénero. Esto es especialmente importante, ya que la comunidad LGBTQ+ tiene tasas más altas de adicción y problemas de salud mental que la población en general.

Otra característica importante del centro es que tiene una opinión media de 4.1/5 según 580 valoraciones en Google My Business. Los pacientes han elogiado la atención y el cuidado que reciben en el centro, así como la eficacia del tratamiento.

Opiniones de Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab - Orlando, Florida

Beware! First of all, when getting my son admitted to the program we were told by TWO people that his insurance would cover 100% of his treatment and stay. I confirmed this multiple times in phone conversations prior to his admission. Of course after about two weeks, they pull a bait and switch and tell us there will now be a daily room fee because his insurance won't cover the room & board. When questioning this, we got the runaround and excuses. My son has been in treatment before and we are very well aware of what his insurance will & won't cover- so I knew this was lies or a scam. Then he was told he failed a drug test, even though he had been in their care for 30 days. When he asked to see the test results, he was told he's not allowed. And it was never brought up again? How do you test positive for a narcotic when you are locked in and under their care for a month and then refuse to share the test results? Of course, they kept him in the program for several more weeks before telling him he'd been there long enough and they needed his bed. When checking out after 42 days, they didn't return many of his clothes OR his only valid ID. The staff "couldn't find" his belongings. My son said many other patients there told him the same things happened to them. Lies about fees and insurance, missing personal property, mistreatment and more. I would like to know how you admit someone into your care to help them at their lowest point in life- and then lie to them, steal their belongings, and boot them out because you need their bed for someone new? I will be pursuing filing complaints about this center to any state or federal agency that will listen. As a mother of a struggling child, hearing how this place treated him is heartbreaking and infuriating.

Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab - Orlando, Florida
Melanie Ortiz

Do not bring anyone under 21 here… It’s more for older adults… Especially if you are a young woman.. My own experience here was bad with the heavyweight male supervisor.They do not know how to handle things well here. The staff and people themselves are prone to steal! They never followed up on me on my stolen items and never paid for it either like they promised. The THERAPISTS, TEACHERS, NURSES are the only amazing thing about this place and if you are willing to do better they will do everything they can for you. The other staff like the do-nothing-employees and the people above them are desensitized and forget they are dealing with human beings. Especially the ones in the offices. Only like 2 staff members are good people there. I did surprisingly meet great people here and we still talk even today and continue our recovery process. Food not bad and as long as you’re not there longer than a month there’s stuff to do but you’ll get bored at some point, and I also want to mention that the nearest corner to buy “stuff” is a block away… So you will still hear about a lot of overdoses and sad things happening around you. While I was there, I had to witness people that were in mid recovery, walk down the street and come back… During my stay, we even found a few beer bottles and cans on property... Like… Man. It’s a shame because this place has potential but they run it like a business and not a place to help people.

Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab - Orlando, Florida
Parker Brooks

Worst recovery center I have ever been to by far. These people don’t care at all if you recover. They turn you upside down, get all your insurance money, then look for any reason to get you out of there so they can do it to the next guy. Every employee in there hates their job, if you ask for the slightest thing, they get visually annoyed and catch an attitude with you. The nursing director Pat is the worst nurse I have ever laid my eyes on. He thinks he’s a genius when in reality he has the intelligence of a squirrel. Don’t go here if it’s the last thing you do. Talk to you insurance to get to a recovery center that actually cares about your recovery. Worst experience of my life

Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab - Orlando, Florida
alexandra collea

DANGEROUS! DO NOT GO HERE! I have witnessed negligent, malpractice, cruelty and incompetence towards myself and others . It's truly a miracle no one has died. Witnessed multiple seizures from people not getting the right meds, or getting someone else's, I was put in woth a roommate who wasn't properly screened in admissions and got bedbugs. I was also inexplicably without my psych meds that I have been taking for years, which sent me into a nasty withdrawal where I'm lucky i didn't go into shock. There are some counselors that actually care but the rest are about money. Rehabs are a business like any other. Please be wary of sending yourself or your loved ones here. Stay safe.

Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab - Orlando, Florida
Megan Miller

I am extremely disappointed with the quality of care at ORC. My experience with this facility has been nothing short of a nightmare.

My loved one was sent to the emergency department, and I was not notified. When they returned at 4 AM, they were left outside until 7:30 AM when a nurse finally informed them that it was shift change and they wouldn't be attended to quickly. Leaving a detoxing client outside without proper medical treatment is a serious quality of care issue.

When I dropped my loved one off, no one explained that I needed to go around to the back of the building for admissions. We ended up in front of the facility, where many male rehab patients were outside smoking. An altercation almost occurred as words were exchanged with my overly intoxicated loved one, and they were threatened with violence. It's evident that this rehab does not teach adequate coping skills to their members.

To make matters worse, the staff members do not use trauma-informed language when talking with clients. My loved one was told by a staff member, "you don't look like you can fight." Who says that to an intoxicated individual seeking treatment to get better? This kind of language is not only unprofessional but also potentially harmful.

I have not received any updates on my loved one, and it has been three days. When I dropped off their belongings, I was left standing outside in the rain while multiple staff members walked past without letting me in. Eventually, a nurse opened the door while holding a urine sample with the patient’s information on it. She did not remove her soiled gloves to open the door and kept them on while taking my partner's items. When I asked if a staff member could call and provide an update, she responded, "the patient will call you." I insisted on speaking with a staff member, but she refused.

Overall, this facility demonstrates a severe lack of professionalism and care. I would not recommend ORC to anyone seeking help for their loved ones or themselves.

Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab - Orlando, Florida
Lacee Cannara

Do NOT SEND YOUR DAUGHTERS HERE they give out heavy sleep medications and touch you periodically throughout the night. My first night stay I woke up 13 hours later covered on whip cream an chocolate. After 2 weeks go by I only then realize I have yet to eat any sort of chocolate.

Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab - Orlando, Florida
William Collins

I can't stress enough how important addiction treatment is. I was at my lowest when I got to Orlando Recovery Center and from the first few minutes going through admissions until the day I graduated I was treated with kindness and professionalism. I am in the MA T program and Crystal who is the coordinator of MA T at ORC knows her stuff and she answered all of my questions and concerns. Just want to say thank you to everyone there especially Alicia, Tiffany ,Pat and Crystal. Trust me you won't regret choosing Orlando Recovery Center.

Orlando Recovery Center Drug and Alcohol Rehab - Orlando, Florida
Brenda Haun

Upon recommendations, my son was sent to the Orlando Recovery Center recently. After only being there for 2 days, I received a call from him saying he had been sent to a hospital nearby the Center. I understand detox can be brutal on some people and they lose control. I’m assuming my son was one of those people as to why he was sent to the hospital. What I don’t understand is why the Center never returned our call, why the Center never followed up on him and who stole the contents (driver’s license, credit card, debit card, money, etc.) from my son’s wallet. Upon entering the hospital, he was given his empty wallet, cellphone and car keys back but not his bag containing his clothing and prescribed medication. It was our understanding the staff was in control of personal belongings upon entering the Center. This leads me to believe the Center is an unsafe environment to be in.
